Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Clean: Best products for pet dental home care

All pets will eventually need to have their teeth cleaned.  Do it NOW, when the infection is still minor, when the procedure won’t take long, and when it will be most affordable.  After you’re finished, keep your pet’s teeth clean with these best products for pet dental home care.


small_cetdogchewsCET Dog Chews.

They’re tasty and contain an all-natural enzyme that slows down the formation of harmful plaque in your dog’s mouth.  Purchase it now.  Promotions may be available. Dogs love them!



small_cetcatchewsCET CAT Chews.

This is one of Dr. Gittelman’s favorite, since so many pet owners are reluctant to brush their cat’s teeth.  Something is better than nothing.  These treats come in palatable flavors and contain an enzyme that stops the formation of most plaque.  Not a substitue for brushing, but the next best thing.  Purchase now.  Promotions may be available!


small_102503CET Toothbrush Fingerbrush and Toothpaste.

Everything you need to get started with brushing your pet’s teeth. Click to purchase.  How do I brush my pet’s teeth you ask?  Why that’s easy!  You watch this video we created on the topic.