Make the most of your dog’s annual medical checkup by being prepared.

An annual visit to the vet not only helps to keep your dog healthy, it’s also the best tool for preventing and/or mitigating any serious health problems that may surface during her lifetime. Add to that her more rapid aging process – approximately seven years to your one year – and it becomes easy to understand the importance of regular medical checkups.

Pre-visit checklist

Your visit to the vet will go more smoothly if you’re prepared. Here’s a list of items you’ll want to consider bringing with you:

  • Your dog’s collar and license tag
  • A leash/harness (or small cage if appropriate)
  • A muzzle if your dog barks or bites
  • A favorite toy or a few treats (especially if your dog gets anxious during
    her visit);
  • Health care information if you’re switching vets or were seen by a different vet since your last visit
  • Stool sample to test for intestinal parasites
  • List of questions or concerns to ask the veterinarian, and;
    Insurance card (if you have pet insurance)

Well-visit checklist

An annual health assessment will ensure that your dog’s vaccinations are up to date and give you an opportunity to raise any behavioral or health issues that may be of concern. Don’t be shy about asking questions; seven “dog years” is a long time between appointments so you’ll want to make the most of your visit.


Keeping your dog’s vaccinations up-to-date is important to her health, and can prevent her from contracting illnesses. Diseases that can affect your pet may be airborne or can be acquired through contact with a parasite, a virus, or fecal matter brought inside on your shoes, so even indoor pets should be vaccinated. Age, health, lifestyle, environment and geography; all will affect your dog’s vaccination schedule so be sure to ask your veterinarian what is appropriate for your dog.