There were the gerbils, the hamsters, and the money you blew on Habitrail links. There were the fish…the bags and bags of fish over the years, and the months you nagged me to clean the tank, and, because I never complied, the slight smell of swamp whenever you entered... Children Lose Young Cat To Kidney Failure The doctors at Animal Medical had been working very hard on a case that involved a young cat in Kidney failure. Despite all of their best efforts and amazing at home care by the family, the disease was progressing too fast... Choosing Your Child’s First Pet According to the statistics compiled by the American Veterinary Medical Association, dogs are the most popular American companion animal, followed closely by cats, then birds and horses. Among the exotic or cage animals (which... By Jessica Vogelsang, DVM A tinny “meow,” the scratchy tickle of a teensy tongue — few things are as delightful as the introduction of a new kitten to the house. Don’t be fooled, though. As small as kittens are, the number of items you can accumulate in... There’s more to getting a bird than simply buying a cage (although more on that below). Birds are delicate and complex creatures that need lots of loving care and attention to be happy and healthy. So don’t be fooled, playing them Sesame Street to see their... Looking to make an iguana a part of your family? You’re probably not alone. Green Iguanas can make interesting pets for the responsible person. However, they’re demanding and require a set routine and a varied fresh diet. Should you decide to take...