* In general, larger dogs age faster than smaller dogs. At your pet’s first appointment, we’ll decide together at what age your dog will cross the senior threshold. For the purposes of this handout, dog’s become seniors at 5 years of age. Use the chart below to see the canine equivalent of 5 human years in a dog’s life.
** Wellness blood profiles are strongly recommended for all pets over the age of 5. Roughly 1 out of 17 of tested, asymptomatic pets show clinically significant findings in their blood profile that helps us help the animal live a healthier and longer life. Wellness blood profiles are also available to pets younger than 5 years of age. As a way to incentivize pet owners to take advantage of the power of diagnostics, our laboratory provides clients package pricing and discounts for all preventative diagnostic screens.
*** Both the Rabies and the DA2P-CPV vaccines will only be administered every 3 years once the dog is past the age of 18 months, provided that the patient has been regularly vaccinated prior to that time.