We enjoy writing informative articles on all kinds of pet related topics. We have pet food recipes, humor, science and human interest stories. Enjoy!
Local News
Pet Food Recipes and Nutrition
Are Raw Diets Good For My Dog or Cat?
Veterinarian, Dr. Howard Gittelman of Animal Medical of New City, explains everything pet owners need to know about raw diets for dogs and cats. Is it okay to feed my dog or cat a raw diet? The answer…
Homemade Treats for Dogs- Thanksgiving Meatballs!
Thanksgiving is the holiday to share with friends, family and your furry companions. Share love, memories, laughter and most importantly- FOOD! Our homemade treats for dogs are quick, easy, and guess what else...they're made with Thanksgiving leftovers !! So give in...
4th of July Treats for People AND Pets!
Independence Day is a day of celebration. Fireworks, bbqs and ice cream ! So why not mix those 3 and make edible 4th of July treats! While you grill this summer, make a yummy firecracker frozen yogurt ice cream that both you and your furry friend can eat! Only 4...
Healthy Living
Oral Health and Dentistry
6 Breeds with the Worst Dental Disease
If your pet is on this list, take advantage of Animal Medical's affordable dental options to treat your dog’s oral infection, save her teeth, and get her well again. Small Breeds More At Risk In general small breed dogs have worse dental disease than large dogs...
How To Brush My Pet’s Teeth: 4 Simple Steps
A frequent question we often get is, "how do I brush my pet's teeth?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awBIOUQi8Zk&feature=youtu.be I Don't Know How To Brush My Pet's Teeth! But what if you've never tried brushing your pet's teeth, can you still get in on the action?...
‘Why Brush My Pet’s Teeth?’ Vitality, Health, and a Greater Bond
Remember what it was like to drive in the car with your pet and not feel like something had died under the seat? Remember what it was like to take a ball from your dog’s mouth and not recoil at the smell? Dental disease doesn’t just impact health; it puts physical...
Puppies Kittens and More!
Thanks Mom For Letting Me Have One
There were the gerbils, the hamsters, and the money you blew on Habitrail links. There were the fish…the bags and bags of fish over the years, and the months you nagged me to clean the tank, and, because I never complied, the slight smell of swamp whenever you entered...
A Happy Ending for Everyone at Animal Medical of New City
Children Lose Young Cat To Kidney Failure The doctors at Animal Medical had been working very hard on a case that involved a young cat in Kidney failure. Despite all of their best efforts and amazing at home care by the family, the disease was progressing too fast...
Picking a Child’s First Pet
Choosing Your Child's First Pet According to the statistics compiled by the American Veterinary Medical Association, dogs are the most popular American companion animal, followed closely by cats, then birds and horses. Among the exotic or cage animals (which include...
New Kitten Care
By Jessica Vogelsang, DVM A tinny "meow," the scratchy tickle of a teensy tongue — few things are as delightful as the introduction of a new kitten to the house. Don’t be fooled, though. As small as kittens are, the number of items you can accumulate in the attempt to...